Tuesday, 8 October 2013


By Gabriel Phiri

Ritual abuse is a brutal form of abuse of children, consisting of physical, sexual and physiological abuse. Rituals in general are not always satanic but depending on the motive of the practice makes it evil. However, in cases of ritual abuse are usually victims suffering the most severe and longstanding emotional damage from the abuse.
 Ritual abuse can be defined as ‘’ the alleged sexual, murder or any spiritual act that can be harmful to the development of a child’’, supposedly committed as part a satanic ritual.  

Zambia has not been spared from alleged ritual abuse practises for many years now. We can tell by the stories of ritual abuse that are all over the Zambian media and children are mostly victims.
Talking to a child who resides in N’gombe Compound in Lusaka where an alleged Congolese national was found practicing rituals on children aged 6 to 11 years old said, “we are now living in fear not knowing what tomorrow will bring and holds for as”. “Seeing friends my age passing through what I can term as hell at a tender age gives me fear”, he lamented.

The relevant authorities such as the police have to ensure that people who are practicing these rituals are dealt with. It is also the responsibility of the community to ensure that children are protected from such practices. There is need for sensitization targeted at members of the community including children.

A community is a source of joy for any child and is important for their development but lately communities have slowly turned into dangerous places for children. Numerous children have been abused, others have mysteriously disappeared while others have been murdered in cold blood. The phrase Today’s children are tomorrow's leaders is slowly losing its meaning.’’ But the question still remains what are you as an individual's doing about this case?  The Children’s News Agency with support from European Union.

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